Content Advisory:
In my historical romances, there are open-door love scenes, intrigue, and war scenes that contain violence in the form of fights, battles, etc., as well as some strong language. Please be advised that these romance novels may include an element of tragedy, loss, or trauma that plays a role in the conflict/plot of the story.
Also, due to their historical accuracy regarding the time period, the books may not be politically correct regarding modern-day language and customs. If you feel you may be offended by this, I don't advise reading them.
It is important to note none of the books contain "dark" themes. No onstage incest, bondage, sexual violence, torture, etc., in any of the books. Additionally, while there are love scenes in some books, they do not contain explicit sexual details or graphic language. The romances are fiction and are not meant to influence the reader regarding personal safety/protection.
Each book will have content information listed in the Author's Note at the beginning of the book.
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